Contoh Pertanyaan Nalar Mengasah Otak

Question 1 :

Jabbers are either vorpal or jubjub.

If jabbers are jubjub, then they are also wocky.

Jabbers are not vorpal.

The statement "Jabbers are wocky" is: (true, false, uncertain)

Answer: true 

Question 2 :

Alvin is a zizzle.

Bryan is a wombo.

Chris is not a wombo.

If someone is a zizzle, then he is a wombo.

If someone is a wombo, then he is yelpish.

Which of these statements is necessarily true?

  • Alvin is a wombo.
  • Alvin is yelpish.
  • Bryan is a zizzle.
  • Bryan is yelpish.
  • Chris is not a zizzle.
  • Chris is not yelpish. 


Answer 2 : 

  • Alvin is a wombo
  • Alvin is yelpish
  • Bryan is yelpish
  • Chris is not yelpish 

 Question 3 :

All bleens are grooey.

Zogger is a bleen.

The statement "Zogger is grooey" is: (true, false, uncertain) 

Answer 3 : true 

Question 4 :

Some zooks are womps.
Some womps are rookers.

Is it true that some zooks are rookers? (true, false, uncertain)

 Answer 4 : true

Question 5 :

All borks are flarks.

All flarks are sprocks.

All borks are blomps.

All blomps are sprocks.

There is at least one each of: borks, flarks, blomps, and sprocks.

Which of the following are necessarily true?

  • All flarks are blomps.
  • Some flarks are blomps.
  • Some sprocks are borks.
  • Some sprocks are flarks.
  • Blomps that are also flarks are borks. 

Answer 5 : 

  • Some sprocks are borks
  • Some sprocks are flarks 

Question 6 :

Andrew: I think this country needs more scientists.

Britney: But if everyone were scientists, then we won't have any artists! And without artists, we might as well all be robots.

Is Britney's argument acceptable?

A. Yes because this country needs artists too.

B. No because scientists are always good for all countries.

C. No because having more scientists doesn't mean having no artists.

D. It depends on how many scientists the country already has. 

Answer 6 : C

Question 7 :

Mom: We should let our son have a slice of cake.

Dad: But if we let him eat one slice today, we'll let him eat another slice tomorrow. And if we keep doing that for the rest of his childhood, he'll grow up eating sweets all the time. And that would just lead to him getting diabetes.

Mom: I suppose you're right.

Is the dad's argument acceptable?

A. Yes because the mom agreed with it.

B. Yes because diabetes is a very bad disease, and we should prevent it in our children.

C. No because eating cake everyday doesn't always lead to diabetes.

D. No because the parents don't have to let the child eat cake every day.

Answer 7 :  D

Question 8 :

Carl: Which brand of toothpaste do you use?

Donna: I use Brand X toothpaste because it's tasty.

Carl: You should really consider switching to Brand Y. It's clearly better for your teeth. My English teacher told me in class that it was the best!

Is Carl's argument correct?

A. Yes because a teacher said so.

B. Yes because good-tasting toothpaste has sugar and so is bad for your teeth.

C. No because English teachers are not necessarily dental experts.

D. No because anybody is allowed to use their favorite brand of toothpaste.

Answer 8 :

Question 9 : 

Jackie is younger than Kyle.

Larry was born after Mary.

Kyle is older than Larry.

What can we say about Jackie and Mary?

A. Jeckie is older than Mary.

B. Jeckie is younger than Mary.

C. Jeckie is the same age as Mary.

D. We cannot be sure. 

Answer 9 :  D

Question 10 :

Your drawer has 5 pairs of black socks, 4 pairs of gray socks, 2 pairs of white socks, 1 pair of brown socks, and 1 pair of blue socks. The lights are out, and you're in a rush to leave. What is the smallest number of socks you should pull out so that you can be assured that you will have at least one pair of matching socks? Note that there are no left or right socks and two socks of the same color will be considered matching.

Answer 10 : 6 

referensi :

Question 11 :

Four kids, Oliver, Rachel, Sarah, and Todd, were playing upstairs when you heard a loud crash. You ran to the room and found a broken vase on the floor. When you questioned the kids on who broke the vase, they said:

"It wasn't me!" screamed Oliver.

"It was Oliver!" yelled Rachel.

"No, it was Rachel," blamed Sarah.

"Rachel is a liar," said Todd.

Patrick, the babysitter who liked logic puzzles, told you that only one of them was telling the truth. Which of the kids broke the vase? 

A. Oliver

B. Rachel

C. Sarah

D. Todd

E. It cannot be deducade 

Answer 11 : B

Question 12 : 

There is a temple hidden somewhere high in the mountains in the east. This temple is the home of a strange religion. The believers of this religion have a strange practice. When a new member enters the temple, a red or blue mark is placed on his forehead. If a believer ever finds out that the mark on his own forehead is red, he must leave the temple in the middle of the night never to return. Because there are no mirrors in the mountain, no believer has ever seen the mark on his own forehead. However, they can clearly see the mark on their fellow believers. Since their religion forbids them from talking about the marks of others, nobody has ever left. One day, a traveler comes across the temple and asks "Why do some of you have red marks on your foreheads?" What happens after the traveler leaves?

Note: In common with many puzzles of this type, the solution relies on the assumption that all participants are totally rational and are intelligent enough to make the appropriate deductions.

A. Nothing

B. Each day, exactly one believer with a red mark on his forehead leaves the temple.

C. Believers with red marks on their foreheads randomly start leaving.

D. All believers with red marks on their foreheads leave together one day. 

Answer 12 :  A (tapi ragu) atau bisa C

Question 13 : 

Read the set of instructions carefully then enter your final answer in the space provided.

  • Type in the number nine followed by the number eight.
  • Type in the number seven between nine and eight.
  • REVERSE the number that resulted after following steps (a) and (b).
  • Subtract 10 from the number.
  • Get only the first and second digits of the number.
  • REVERSE the number from instruction (e).
  • Enter the final number. Only the final number should be in the text field below.

Answer 13 : 68

Penjelasan : ketik 978 sesuai perintah 1 dan 2. Reverse atau balik angkanya menjadi 879. Substract atau kurangi 879-10=869. Dapatkan angka pertama dan kedua 86 kemudian balik. Angka final menjadi 68.

Question 14 :

Type in the word “ORANGES” in capital letters.

Right after the answer from instruction (a), add a space, then type the word “apples” in small letters.

Add a space. Type the word from instruction (a), followed directly by the word from instruction (b), with no spaces inbetween. Make sure that correct capitalization is followed from instructions (a) and (b). 

Answer 14 :  ORANGES apples ORANGESapples

Question 15 :

Type in the word “mississippi” in small letters.

Add a space. Type in the word “ALABAMA” in capital letters.

Add a space. Type in the sum of 1 and 5.

Answer 15 : mississippi ALABAMA 6 

Question 16 :

Type in the word “Cowbell” exactly how it is shown.

Add a space. Type in the word “Stingray” in capital letters.

Add a space. Type in the sum of 1 and 10.

Answer 16 : Cowbell STINGRAY 11 



  • Sumber gambar



  1. Hai Kak! Untuk mengakses pertanyaan serupa macam logical reasoning ini, di mana ya?


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